FlinkApplicationCluster # A FlinkApplicationCluster is a dedicated FlinkCluster that only executes FlinkJobsfrom one FlinkApplication. The lifetime of the FlinkCluster is bound to the lifetime of the FlinkApplication.
FlinkJobCluster # A FlinkJobCluster is a dedicated FlinkCluster that only executes a single FlinkJob. The lifetime of the FlinkCluster is bound to the lifetime of the FlinkJob.
FlinkApplication # A Flink application is a JavaApplication that submits one or multiple FlinkJobsfrom the main() method (or by some other means). Submitting jobs is usually done by calling execute() on an execution environment.
The jobs of an application can either be submitted to a long running FlinkSessionCluster, to a dedicated FlinkApplicationCluster, or to a FlinkJobCluster.
FlinkJob # A FlinkJob is the runtime representation of a logical graph (also often called dataflow graph) that is created and submitted by calling execute() in a FlinkApplication.
LogicalGraph # A logical graph is a directed graph where the nodes are Operators and the edges define input/output-relationships of the operators and correspond to data streams or data sets. A logical graph is created by submitting jobs from a FlinkApplication.
Logical graphs are also often referred to as dataflow graphs.